10 Best Bollywood Crime Thriller Movies List Packed with Mystery and Drama


Hey movie fans! Want to watch some cool crime movies? I have a list that makes your heart race! These movies pack in surprises that will leave you saying, “What just happened?” the entire time. Grab your snacks, turn off the lights, and let’s dive into these amazing crime stories!

Key Takeaways:

  • 10 super cool Bollywood crime movies
  • Mix of scary mind games and action-packed stories
  • Big stars you’ll love
  • Movies that make you think hard
  • You can watch them at home!

1. Haider: Shakespeare in Kashmir

Wow, “Haider” is crazy! It’s like Hamlet, but in Kashmir. So weird and cool!

Fun fact: They filmed in real Kashmir. Must’ve been cold!

Why watch: If you like smart movies with fighting and drama, you’ll love this. Shahid Kapoor is amazing in it!

2. Rustom: Who’s the Real Bad Guy?

Rustom” takes us back to the old days when people wore funny hats. It’s based on a true story, which makes it extra wild!

Cool thing: This movie’s story changed how courts work in India. Big deal!

Why you should see it: Like guessing who did the crime? This crime movie will keep you guessing till the end!

3. Madaari: Little Guy Fights Big Bullies

In “Madaari,” a normal guy fights mean, powerful people. It’s like David and Goliath, but with more twists!

Neat fact: “Madaari” means someone who controls puppets. Watch how that fits the story!

Why It’s Awesome: If you like movies that make you consider good and bad, this one will stay in your thoughts!

4. Raman Raghav 2.0: A Super Creepy Killer Tale

Brace yourself because “Raman Raghav 2.0” brings the scares! This crime movie tells the story of a crazy killer, and it might haunt your dreams.

Creepy tidbit: It draws inspiration from a real killer from the past. Yikes!

Why watch it:  If you enjoy dark and scary movies that make you think, this one fits the bill! But maybe don’t watch alone!

5. Badlapur: Revenge Isn’t Always Sweet

Badlapur” is all about getting back at bad guys. But it makes you wonder if revenge is really a good idea.

Surprise: The main actor usually does funny movies. This one’s not funny at all!

Why check it out: Like movies where you can’t tell who’s good and who’s bad? This one will mess with your head!

6. Rahasya: Family Secrets Get Crazy

Rahasya means mystery, and it brings plenty of surprises! Just when you think you understand what’s happening, bam! New surprise!

Weird fact: It’s kinda based on a real murder case that everyone in India talked about.

Why it’s cool: If you like playing detective, this movie lets you guess what happened right up to the end.

7. Omerta: Bad Guy Central

Warning: “Omerta” is tough to watch. It shows you how a terrorist thinks, and it’s pretty scary.

Shocking fact: The actor didn’t talk to anyone for days to get ready for this role. That’s crazy!

Why you should see it: Want a crime movie that’ll make you think hard about some big problems? This is it.

8. Chup: Movie Critics Better Watch Out

Chup” is super weird, but in a good way. It’s about movies, but it’s also a scary mystery.

Mind-blowing fact: Some parts have no music at all. The quiet makes it extra creepy!

Why You Should Watch It: If you love movies and mysteries, this one is perfect for you. It will change your view on movie reviews!

9. Ghajini: Forget Me Not… Or Else!

Ghajini” is like a crazy mix of love story, action movie, and “who did it?” all smooshed together. It’ll make your head spin!

Crazy fact: The main guy got super muscles in just a few months. Wow!

Why you can’t miss it: Like action? Romance? Mystery? This movie has it all. It’s perfect for movie night with friends.

10. Mom: Don’t Mess with Mama Bear

Get ready to feel all sorts of feelings with “Mom“. It’s about how far a mom will go to protect her kid. It’s intense!

Sad fact: This was the last big movie of Sridevi before she died. It’s really good.

Why it’s a must-watch: Want a thriller that makes you cry and hug your mom? This is it. Keep tissues close!

Wow, what a bunch of movies! These Bollywood crime thrillers offer everything from super scary scenes to action-packed moments. Choosing just one feels tough, like picking your favorite ice cream flavor!

Sometimes these intense thriller movies can make you feel weird or scared. It’s okay to take a break or watch something happy after. Maybe watch a funny movie next?

These crime thriller movies talk about some tough stuff. If movies make you feel bad or remind you of sad times, talk to someone you trust. Movies help us understand our feelings, but having a friend to share with feels great, too. So, what will you do now? Start watching these awesome Bollywood crime thrillers. Whether you watch scary movies all the time or this is your first one, these will keep you guessing and jumping in your seat. Have fun watching, and maybe leave a light on… just in case!