In the recent Kumkum Bhagya episodes, we saw Khushi realizing her mistake and getting attracted to RV once again. Meanwhile, RV broke up with Monisha, giving viewers new hope for his and Purvi’s budding relationship. At the same time, Purvi visits Khushi after witnessing the latter get slapped by her husband. While Khushi denied all claims of Arman being abusive, his own aggressive behavior shocks Purvi. Then she leaves for the police station to try and convince Netra to spill the truth about Monisha. Whereas, Khushi reaches the Oberoi house to try and meet RV. Now, if you couldn’t watch today’s episode of Kumkum Bhagya on TV, you can always watch it on ZEE5. However, if you need a quick written update, read on.
Kumkum Bhagya Episode Written Update for January 2, 2025
The episode starts with Khushi bumping into Vaishali on her way to meet RV. Vaishali lashes out at Khushi and tells her to not bring up the past as her deeds can never be forgiven. Khushi profusely apologizes to Vaishali when Harleen spots her and gets upset. Harman comes there and says that he’s the one who has allowed Khushi to come in and meet RV. Vaishali and Harleen are shocked to know this and leave from there.
Purvi meets Diya and talks about Netra. She expresses her disappointment over Netra not revealing any information about Monisha’s involvement in this incident. Worried about her family’s safety, Purvi thinks of ways to make Netra expose Monisha. She gets a call from the police station and informs Diya that Netra has called her to talk.
Meanwhile, at the Oberoi mansion, Jaswant meets Khushi and the latter defends Arman’s actions in the hospital. He then informs Khushi that RV has already left for a meeting. Khushi goes back home.
Netra comes to meet Purvi and says that she’ll only reveal half of the truth. She says that Monisha was involved in all this mess. Purvi says she already knows this. Then, Netra puts forward a condition to reveal the rest of the truth. She says that if Purvi gets her out of jail, she’ll act as her witness and help her bring Monisha’s truth to light. This leaves Purvi contemplating her choices.
Back at the Oberoi mansion, Dadiji says that the way Arman is treating Khushi is the fruit of her own selfish deeds. Harleen disagrees and says that no woman deserves an abusive husband, even someone like Khushi. She then mentions the stark differences between Khushi and Purvi, praising the latter. Harman agrees to not be polite or friendly with Khushi. Later, Vaishali reprimands Jaswant for speaking nicely with Khushi.
Monisha expresses her anger and worries about Khushi being allowed to enter the Oberoi mansion. She recalls how Khushi destroyed the family while she was the one who uplifted them in their time of need. Deepika tries to pacify Monisha but to no avail. Monisha worries that if Khushi keeps coming to the house, RV’s feelings for Khushi might resurface. Meanwhile, Purvi comes back home and panics when she gets to know that RV left for some important meeting.
While Purvi continues to panic, Monisha and Deepika chastise her for overreacting over such a small issue. Harleen defends Purvi and says that she cares for RV more than anything, and it’s her care that’s making her react like that. Then, the entire family starts taking Purvi’s side, leaving Monisha to question her own position in the family.
To know what happens next, watch Kumkum Bhagya online, only on ZEE5!