Love is Love: Celebrate Pride Day on June 28 with these Unique Stories on ZEE5

movies on ZEE5

As Pride Month nears its end, we prepare to celebrate Pride Day on June 28, 2024, a day dedicated to honoring the LGBTQ+ community and celebrating love in all its forms. What better way to mark this special day than by watching a range of captivating and unique stories on ZEE5 that emphasize ‘Love is Love’? Here’s a look at some must-watch Pride Month series and movies available on ZEE5 that you can stream on Pride Day 2024!

  1. The Married Woman

Watch The Married Woman series online on ZEE5, a story that challenges societal norms and explores the unconventional. This queer series revolves around Astha, a dutiful wife and mother, whose life takes a turn when she meets Peeplika, an artist who opens her eyes to new possibilities. As their bond deepens, Astha finds herself at a crossroads between her traditional life and newfound desires.

  1. His Storyy

His Storyy is a poignant tale that delves into the complexities of coming out and accepting your sexual orientation. This series centers on the lives of Kunal and Sakshi, a seemingly perfect couple. However, Kunal falls in love with another man, complicating their lives and challenging societal norms. Watch His Storyy on ZEE5 for a heartfelt exploration of love, acceptance, and redemption.

  1. Forbidden Love

For those who enjoy anthologies, Forbidden Love on ZEE5 is a treat. This series comprises four unique stories, each delving into the theme of forbidden relationships. From tales of passion and secrecy to the trials of love that defy societal expectations, this web series also includes an episode on a gay relationship.

  1. 377 Normal

377 Normal is a groundbreaking web series. It sheds light on the historical fight against Section 377 of the Indian Penal Code, which criminalized homosexuality. The series follows the real-life journey of activists and their relentless battle for LGBTQ+ rights in India. Through powerful performances and an engaging storyline, the 377 Normal full series highlights the struggles and triumphs of this significant movement.

  1. I Am

This critically acclaimed anthology film explores themes of identity, self-acceptance, and the pursuit of happiness. The I Am movie presents four stories, each directed by Onir, focusing on the lives of individuals grappling with their identities and societal pressures. Two stories in this film titled Abhimanyu and Omar address the struggle with sexual identity, making it an essential addition to your Pride Day watchlist on ZEE5.

  1. Aligarh

Based on true events, Aligarh narrates the story of Professor Siras, who faces discrimination and ostracism due to his sexual orientation. The film sensitively captures his plight and the ensuing legal battle for justice and dignity. Manoj Bajpayee’s poignant performance as Professor Siras adds depth to this heart-wrenching tale, making the Aligarh movie online a powerful watch on ZEE5.

As Pride Month concludes, celebrate Pride Day 2024 with these incredible stories on ZEE5 that not only entertain but also educate and inspire. Embrace the spirit of Pride and enjoy these unique stories on ZEE5. Love is love, after all.