Bhagya Lakshmi continues to captivate audiences with its intense drama and engaging storyline. The show revolves around the selfless Lakshmi, who navigates various challenges in her life, particularly concerning her relationship with Rishi. You also get to see the ongoing love triangle between Lakshmi, Rishi, and Malishka, with constant twists that keep everyone on the […]
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Kumkum Bhagya Weekly Recap: Poorvi Tries to Give Truth Serum to Neha
Kumkum Bhagya is undoubtedly one of the top TV shows on ZEE5. Earlier it was Abhi and Pragya’s love story, then it became Ranbir and Prachi’s love story, and now, it’s their daughter Poorvi’s love story with her husband Rajvansh. Characters changed, storylines changed but the audience’s love for Kumkum Bhagya remained constant. Currently, the […]
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