Bahishkarana Web Series: A Deep Dive into Anjali's New Thriller Web Series on ZEE5

Anjali’s Web Series - Bahishkarana

Actor Anjali’s web series, Bahishkarana starts in the 1990s village of Peddapalli where the entry of a courtesan Pushpa(Anjali) leads to a chain reaction of events

Involvement with Shivaya

Unfortunately, Pushpa gets entangled with Shivaya(Ravindra Vijay) the Sarpanch who wants to keep her as his courtesan forever.

Pushpa and Darshi

Meanwhile, Pushpa and Darshi(Shritej) Shivaya’s loyal henchman fall in love. When Darshi proposes marriage, Shivaya surprisingly consents.

Pushpa’s Heartbreak

This thriller web series takes a drastic turn when Pushpa and Darshi’s marriage is broken and Darshi is forced to marry Lakshmi.

Tragic Turn of Events

Darshi and Lakshmi’s newly formed bond leads to Lakshmi being pregnant while Darshi is wrongly convicted of murder. When Darshi gets out of prison, he gets murdered.

Bahishkarana - A Revenge Saga

After Darshi’s murder this thriller action web series turns into a revenge saga with Pushpa and Lakshmi teaming up to take down Shivaya!